It should have been an omen. "National Lampoon's European vacation" was on tv the first night of our vacation, however our chaos started the day before.
Our vacation started on the evening of Jeff's birthday, Darryl and Lindsay were so lovely to come over and listen out for Stella while Jeff and I went out for dinner. The Harbord room is long standing quaint restaurant in Toronto, which some how we have never managed to get to. We had a table for their 8:30 seating and started our week of gluttony. (And D&L called ahead to treat us to surprise Maple Bourban cocktails). Lobster ceviche and roasted rabbit... delicious. And Beignets for dessert. I don't even remember what Jeff had cause I was so engrossed in my own food. Have I mentioned my obsession with beignets, they are the one and only reason I would buy a deep fryer (which Jeff has been begging for).
After our night out, we left Friday morning via St. Lawrence market to head to the cottage we had rented on South Lake. But not before Jeff got stung by a bee. A big fat bumble bee. That evening his foot started swelling, and getting hot, and itching. My triage skills can only take me so far so there were numerous calls to Dr. Dad over the week. By Sunday the foot was better.... but poor little Stella wasn't. Our munchkin wanted nothing to do with swimming in the lake, nothing to do with lunch and everything with cuddling and sleeping. With a temperature of almost 40 degrees, we knew something wasn't right. The fever crept back every 8 hours for the next 3 days.
(Our little lady hasn't let us cuddle like this in months)
So we took a little trip into the Minden Health Centre and saw the amazing doctor and nurses there. Turns out our little munchkin had a urinary tract infection, so we started a course of antibiotics. Our last fever was wednesday afternoon and Stella was finally on the mend!
Our last Lampoon's incident was friday afternoon. We decided to take a little trek into town to get ice cream, pick up Stella's culture results and visit a look out. Those plans were immediately put on hold when a threatening little lightening bolt started flashing on the dashboard. Grabbing the manual, we saw that it indicated our "Electronic Throttle" was malfunctioning. And then the car started bucking like a bull when ever Jeff touched the gas pedal. Jeff and I might have 4 degrees and 13 years of university between the two of us, but we don't know cars. So we drove. And googled mechanics in the Kawarthas'. We had no idea if we could turn the car off, or if we could make it home.
One of the downfalls of society may be that we decided to put computers in cars. No one knows how to fix them. Anywhere.
After driving around for an hour, we thought we should stop and get gas. Turn the car off and see what happens. And what happened? The car started. And Mr. Lightening Bolt was no where to be found. Phew.
All in all, we ate and drank like royalty, played backgammon (final score Jeff - 7, Kirsten-3), watched Arrested Development and just about nothing else. So just like the movie we had a happy, if somewhat comical ending.....
Roll 'em up.
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