March has been insane. Pure madness. My schedule was bad. Real bad. Just the way that things were coming up, I had to work two weekends, have one off, then 2 more. So I was instead of working 2 shifts one week and 4 the next, I was working repeated weeks with 4 twelve hour shifts. That by itself would have been difficult, but we had much much more to deal with.
My wonderful father in law has been in the hospital for the last 24 days. Finally this week it feels like some of the strain is lifting. It was wonderful to walk in to his room this weekend and see him more awake, engaging with us and even smiling.
These challenges have shown us how good we are together. Jeff and I have both been doing considerable amounts of "solo-ing". Luckily we've had a lot of help so that Jeff can spend as much time as he needs at the hospital.
Over this month Stella's vocabulary has taken off, she's a little mimic monkey:
Up/Down, All done, Apple, pear, Boo Bee (blueberry), Banana (nanana and it has to be whispered), Happy, Bounce, hat, meeps (mittens), goat (coat), boots, socks, shoes, dog.
She can also tell us animal noises, moo, meow meow meow, bah.
Some days I feel like I have an echo!
Here we are on my birthday, my favourite picture for the month!
How about "knock knock".....